It is common for companies to create a common processing account and enable a number of delegate users to access this common account. Processing Queue Management allows a non-binding Hold to be placed on expense reports in My Processing Requests to determine if someone is already reviewing a report.
This article will show you, a Emburse Professional Accountant, how to:
- Use Processing Queue Management.
- Place a non-binding hold on the expense report(s) you are working with.
- Release a hold.
1. On your Emburse Professional homepage, click Processing Requests. If you are a delegate user for the Processing account, first toggle to the Accountant profile to gain access.
2. Open Processing Requests to view the list of expense reports to be processed.
The Hold column will note the person's initials whom is holding this expense report for their review. Hovering your mouse over the initials will show the user's full name and email address.
If you open an expense report that is already in a Hold state, the Hold field will present a red border. This indicates that you should not take action on this report.
Place a Hold
1. Open the expense report to place a Hold by selecting it from Processing Requests.
2. In the Hold section, select the desired Accountant user for the hold. Selecting yourself will present a green border, indicating it is now under your hold to proceed.
3. Initials of the Accountant user with the new hold will now show in the Hold column of My Processing Requests.
Release a Hold
A Emburse Professional Administrator has the option to allow a time limitation for a hold.
1. Open the expense report currently on hold by selecting it from Processing Requests.
2. In the Hold section, select Available.
3. Initials of the Accountant user will be removed in Processing Requests.