Switching To Another User

As a Emburse Professional Administrator, there may be times you will need to log into one of your user's accounts on their behalf. Administrators may access any user's account at any time. This article shows you how, as a Emburse Professional Administrator, you can gain access to a user's account. 

1. Click the Gear icon to open the System Configuration page, then click Manage Users

2. On the Manage Users page, use the search bar to find a specific user, or use advanced filters to find a group of users. 

3. To open the User Details page, click the Tri-dot icon. 

4. Select Switch to User from the dropdown menu. 

5. A popup window appears. Click Switch to continue. 

6. The next page will be the user's Emburse Professional account homepage. Any report submission or approval action taken on behalf of the user will be recorded in the Delegate User Actions report. To switch back to your account, open the current user drop-down menu at the top of the user's account homepage and select your name.


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