Assigning and Managing Delegate Users

Emburse Professional allows users (Authority Accounts) to designate other users (Delegate Users) to act on their behalf within Emburse Professional. This article shows you how, as an Authority Account user, you can assign and manage Delegate Users.

Add a Delegate User

1. On your account homepage click your name and select Manage Delegates from the drop-down menu. 


2. On the Manage My Delegate Users page, enter the last name and the first name of the user(s) you would like to assign Delegate User privileges to into the field provided.


3. Next to the Grant Permission area, click the checkbox for each activity you would like the Delegate User to have permission to do on your behalf. Click Save Permissions.


4. After saving, you will see the Delegate User name(s) under Current Delegate Users, as well as a list of granted permissions based on your selections on the previous page.


Edit Delegate User Permissions

If you would like to make changes to a Delegate User's permissions, click the edit (pencil) icon at the left of the Delegate User’s name. Click or deselect the checkbox for each permission you would like to grant or revoke. Select Save Permissions to continue. The updated permissions will be reflected under Current Delegate Users.


Remove a Delegate User

If you would like to remove a Delegate User, click the red x to the left of the Delegate User’s name. A popup will ask if you are sure you want to revoke permissions for the Delegate User. Click Ok to continue. The Delegate User you removed will no longer appear under Current Delegate Users or in the drop-down menu at the top of your Emburse Professional account homepage.


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