Entering International Direct Deposit Information for Emburse Pay Professional

If your organization is using Emburse Pay Professional, there are a few steps to enter your direct deposit account information to begin receiving reimbursement. 

This article will show you how to enter your direct deposit account information. 

Please Note: Emburse Pay Professional services both domestic and international bank accounts. To add Direct Deposit Information for a United States-based account, see: Entering United States Direct Deposit Information.

1. On your account homepage click your name, then click Account Settings


2. On the My Account page, select Add Account Information


3. On the first step of the Direct Deposit Account Configuration page, enter your country and click Next


4. Enter your banking information in the search fields provided. There are three options to search:

  • A local Routing Code is your in-country code used for electronic payments. 
  • SWIFT Code is a unique identification code of a particular bank. The SWIFT Code contains 8 to 11 alphanumeric characters. 
  • An IBAN Number is your International Bank Account Number. IBAN numbers consists of up to 34 alphanumeric characters. 

Then, click Next


5. Select the radio button for your institution branch and click Next


Please Note: If no results are found, you may also choose to manually enter your bank by selecting Manually enter bank information on this screen. After entering the information, proceed to Step 6.


6. Add your account information into all required fields. Click Next.

Please Note: Name on Account, Address, City, Zip Code, and Telephone are for your information associated with your account; not the bank's information. 


7. Review your information, and click Next


8. A confirmation screen appears to let you know your account is now set up with Emburse Pay Professional.


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