Managing Meal Attendees and Groups

For frequent attendees on your meal expenses, you have the ability to pre-populate individuals or groups for easier selection. If there are changes to your existing attendees or groups, you can edit them at any time.

This article shows you how to manage your meal attendees and groups.

Managing Meal Attendees

1. On your Emburse Professional homepage click your name, then click Account Settings.


2. In the lower left-hand corner, click Manage Attendees.


3. Click the pencil icon to edit the attendee.


4. From here, edit details about the attendee.

Please Note: To Disable an attendee, click disable. If disabled,  you'll no longer be able to add them as an attendee on your meal expenses.

When complete, click Save.


Managing Groups

1. To manage your groups, go back to your My Account page and click Manage Groups.


2. Click the pencil icon to edit the group.


3. From here, click Remove to remove an attendee from the group. To delete the whole group, click Delete Group.

Please Note: Deleting does not delete any users. It just removes the group from selection. If you need to re-add them, you can do so as needed.


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