Custom Export Builder

Custom Export Builder, a Emburse Professional AP feature, gives clients the ability to create custom export templates. These templates allow the export of invoice data in various formats and the import of invoice data into their ERP systems or AP packages.

This article shows you, a Emburse Professional AP Administrator, how to use the Custom Export Builder feature to build new or edit existing export templates.

In order to use the Custom Export Builder:

  • Users must have the Root Administrator or Accounting Review permission
  • Administrators must configure the AP Offset feature

1. Under the Exports section on the Emburse Professional AP homepage, click Export Invoices.


2. The Custom Export page opens. Create new custom export templates by clicking New Template.


Under Active or Disabled Templates, the following options are available to create or adjust custom templates:

  • Disable/Enable -- Allows a template to be enabled, available for exports and scheduled jobs, or disabled.
  • Export -- Uses the template to run a manual export, produce an export file on demand, and flag the invoices as exported.
  • Preview --  Uses the template to preview a manual export and produce an export file on demand, but does not flag the invoices as exported.
  • Edit -- Allows a template to be edited.

3. Fill out the appropriate fields:

  • Name -- The template name
  • Description -- A short description of what the template is used for
  • Status -- Determines if the template can be used to export data.
  • Active -- Allows the template to be used in manual or scheduled jobs.
  • Disabled -- Does not allow the template to be used for exports.
  • Content -- Determines which types of invoices will be included in the export, ACH or non-ACH.


4. Choose the File FormatInvoice Types, whether the files should contain Positive and/or Negative integers, and whether to export Credits without the negative sign.


5. Create a file name and determine which Sections and Field Types need to be included in the export.


Adding Fields to an Export

Each template has sections with columns of exportable data to arrange. These sections can be activated by clicking the check box to the left of the section name, then clicking anywhere on the section line.

Additionally, each active section on a template requires that at least one field must be added. The chosen fields determine what data will be shown in the export.

1. To add new fields, first click the required Field Type.

2. Add a Display Name and complete the other required fields. Then, click Save.


3. Once your fields are created you may rearrange them by dragging and dropping them in the order you would like to see them appear in your export file.


You may also choose whether to include the header row in your export file for each section.

4. To edit an existing field, click Edit. Once all changes are made, click Save.


5. To remove an existing field, click Delete.


Once you have added all of your sections and fields, click Save.


View our Help Center articles for further information on activating AP Offset, and using AP Offset with Custom Export Builder.

To view the list of data fields available, as well as more information on how to use the Custom Export Builder, open the attachment below:



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