The Vendor-Based Approval Configuration Report

As a Emburse Professional Administrator, you can easily export a report to view the Vendor-Based Approval configuration that your company currently has in place. This report is a helpful reference if you would like to audit or make changes to the Vendor-Based Approval Chains that you currently have configured. 

To learn how to set up or make changes to Vendor-Based Approval Chains, click here.

1. On the Emburse Professional AP account home page, click the gear icon.


2. Click Vendor-Based Approvals.


3. Click EXPORT to download the report.


The Vendor-Based Approval Report contains 3 tabs:

  • Vendors_NoVBA: list of active vendors without Vendor-Based Approvals configured
  • VBA_REQ: list of vendors with Vendor-Based Approvals configured for Requisition
  • VBA_INV: list of vendors with Vendor-Based Approvals configured for Invoice


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