The View Voided Invoices Report

Certify AP has a large set of reports which enable administrators and managers to analyze spend data. The View Voided Invoices Report is a permission-based report which allows users to gain visibility into invoices that have been voided or archived. 

This article will show you, an Accounts Payable Employee, how to access and run the View Voided Invoices Report.

1. On your Certify homepage, click the waffle icon next to the question mark then click AP.


2. On the Certify AP dashboard, select Invoices under the Archives section. 


3. Enter the necessary search criteria. 


  • Vendor: The vendor associated with the Invoice. 
  • Date Range: The date range of the invoice.
  • Amount Range: The dollar amount range for the invoice.
  • Invoice Number: The invoice number associated with the invoice.
  • Invoices to View: The types of invoices appearing on the report. 

5. When finished, click Search. 


6. The search results appear. To view the invoice details, click the Invoice Number.


7. The Invoice Details page opens. 




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