Using AP Offset with the Custom Export Builder

Once AP Offset has been activated you can determine which templates will use an AP Offset row in the Details of each custom template in Custom Export Builder.

This article shows you, a Certify AP Administrator, how to use AP Offset with the Custom Export Builder.

1. Open the Custom Export Builder template page and create a New Template or Edit an existing template.


2. Once you have the template open, check the boxes that have the AP Offset label under the column configuration.  

3. When configuring columns,  be sure to include at least one of the below data fields in the Detail section of your export template:

  • Account Name
  • Company Code
  • Credit Card ERPID
  • Department
  • Distribution Total
  • ERP ID
  • GL Code
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Total
  • Posting Date
  • Project ERPID
  • Project Name
  • Project Number


If one or more of the above fields are missing, an error message will appear.



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