Managing Invoice Vendors

As part of Emburse Professional Invoice, you may configure and maintain Invoice Vendors for your users to enter on their invoice reports. This article shows you, a Emburse Professional Administrator, how to configure and manage Invoice Vendors

To Add New

1. Click the gear icon.


2. Select View and Edit Invoice Vendors.


3. Select Create a New Invoice Vendor.


4. Enter all applicable details for the new Vendor. For the Invoice Vendor to be available for use in Invoice Reports, be sure to select the Approved checkbox at the bottom. Click Next.

Please Note: If you are using Emburse Professional ACH, you may utilize the ACH Routing Number and ACH Bank Account Number for the vendor. 


5. The new Invoice Vendor is available for use.

Please Note: Accurate Invoice Vendor records will enhance the results of Emburse Receipt Transcription to autofill many sections on an Invoice Report.


To Edit Existing


1. From the View and Edit Invoice Numbers page, use the search parameters to search for the Invoice Vendor. Click Submit.


2. Use the pencil icon to open the Invoice Vendor details. Click the red x to delete the Invoice Vendor.


3. Edit the details of the Invoice Vendor and click Next.


4. The Change Analysis will determine if it is safe to save the changes. Click Next.


5. The Invoice Vendor is now changed and available for use.


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