Assigning Invoice Role Permissions

Accounts Payable Users are those whom can create and submit their own Invoice Reports.

The Invoice Accountant is a specific user whom can process only Invoice Reports.

This article shows you, a Emburse Professional Administrator, how to assign invoice roles to Invoice users.

Accounts Payable Users

1. Click the gear icon.


2. Select View and Edit Users.

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3. Use the search parameters to narrow your results. Click Submit.

Inv Per 2.png 

4. Open the user record with the pencil icon. 

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5. Check the Accounts Payable checkbox, and click Next.

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The change is now saved. This user can now create and submit Invoice Reports

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Invoice Accountant

Emburse Professional allows the selection of one Invoice Accountant if a specific person should process invoice reports from expense reports. The Invoice Accountant will override accountants designated in the Locked Approval Workflow.

If an Invoice Accountant User is not defined, invoice reports will route to the submitter's regular accountant. 

1. Click the gear icon.


2. Select View and Edit Policy


3. Select Configure Locked Approval Workflow.

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4. Begin typing a name into the Invoice Accountant User section. Emburse Professional will filter your results. Click Save.

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The new Invoice Accountant will be the only person to receive and process Invoice Reports.

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