Emburse Professional Invoice allows for creation and managing of Purchase Orders. Purchase Orders are generally created by a company ordering product from a vendor. This number may be used to aid in reconciling invoices. This article shows you, a Emburse Professional Administrator, how to configure and manage Purchase Orders.
Add a New Purchase Order
1. Click the gear icon.
2. Select General Ledger Dimensions.
3. Check the box to Enable Purchase Orders. Click Save.
4. Back on the Configuration page, select View and Edit Purchase Orders.
5. Select Create a New Purchase Order.
6. Enter details for the Purchase Order. Click Save.
7. The Purchase Order is now available for users.
Edit Existing Purchase Orders
1. From the View and Edit Purchase Orders page, use the search parameters to search for the Purchase Order. Click Submit.
2. Use the pencil icon to open the Purchase Order details. Click the red X icon to delete the Purchase Order.
3. Edit the details of the Purchase Order, and click Next.
4. The Change Analysis will determine if it is safe to save the changes. Click Next.
5. The Purchase Order is now changed and available for use.