For companies using Emburse Professional InstantAudit, Administrators can create an Auditor role in their Emburse Professional account. Auditors are responsible for managing the Audit Alerts queue, which lists all the expenses flagged by the InstantAudit feature.
This allows the Auditor to focus on the expenses that are flagged for review, and ignore compliant expenses. Auditors are advisors and are not part of the approval path. Depending on your company's needs, you can set more than one Auditor.
This article shows you, a Emburse Professional Administrator, how to assign an Auditor for your company.
1. On your Emburse Professional homepage, click the gear icon.
2. Click Manage Users. You can create a new user with the Auditor role permissions, or add the Auditor role permission to an existing user. In this example, it is added to an existing user.
3. On the Manage Users page, use the search bar to find a specific user, or use advanced filters to find a group of users.
4. To open the User Details page, click the tri-dot icon next to the user.
5. Click Edit User from the dropdown menu.
6. On the User Details page, check the Auditor checkbox.
7. Click Save Changes when finished.
The user is now established as an Auditor for your company and has access to the InstantAudit Alerts queue. Next, establish InstantAudit rules for your company.