For companies using Emburse Professional InstantAudit, once you've assigned the Auditor role to users in your company, you can use your Emburse Professional Administrator Configuration tools to establish InstantAudit rules. You need to decide whether or not to alert submitters when their submission generates a violation and set up the Rules that actually flag submissions:
- Inquiry Settings
- Detection Rules
This article shows you, a Emburse Professional Administrator, how to establish InstantAudit rules for your company.
1. On your Emburse Professional homepage, click the gear icon.
2. Click View and Edit Audit Definitions.
3. First, under Inquiry Settings, decide whether you want to enable Auto-Inquiry or not. The difference between the two settings is:
- Auto-Inquiry Mode OFF: Submitters are not aware of internal audition. Instead, Approvers and Auditors can track alerts without submitters knowing what is occurring.
- Auto-Inquiry Mode ON: An Inquiry is sent to the Submitter whose expense triggered the InstantAudit rules. Submitters are notified of the flagged expense, but they are not informed of what triggered the alert.
To enable Auto-Inquiry, click to the right of the circle so the slider turns blue.
4. If you chose to enable Auto-Inquiry Mode, choose if you want to allow automatically created inquiries to be edited:
- Do Not Allow: A notification is sent to the submitter, but they cannot edit the expense that generated the Audit alert. However, they still need to answer the Inquiry.
- Allow: A notification is sent to the submitter, and they can edit the expense so that it falls into company policy.
5. Next, under Detection Rules, establish which expenses get flagged when submitters send expenses for reimbursement. To set up auditing, click the button next to that rule. That rule's Rule Details screen appears on the right side.
6. Enter details in the Rule Details screen:
- Enabled: Click this checkbox to make the rule active. Enabling the rule means it will create Audit alerts for submitted expenses meeting this rule's qualifications. You can turn on and off rules as needed here.
- Rule Specific-Field: Any rule-specific fields appear in this area, including keywords, limits, etc. In the example below, the specific field is Maximum Amount for the Excessive Cash Advances rule.
Expense Types: Choose which Expense Types to assign to this rule. Every Expense Category created under the Expense Type will be scanned for the Rule set here.
- For rules pertaining to a single Expense Type, for example Excessive Meals, this section is defaulted to that expense.
- If you need to exclude a category or multiple categories, you can create an Exception or it below.
- User Roles: Choose any or all of the four standard user roles to which to apply the user role. For example, if your company does not want the Excessive Cash Expenses Rule to apply to executives.
- Exceptions: These options are grayed out until you mark Enabled and Save the Rule Details. Once enabled, you can assign exceptions to any of the rules you established earlier.
7. Once you save the Rule, it is indicated as ON in the list, so you can easily go back and reference which Rules your company is using. Now, you can create Rule-level Exceptions. Exceptions provide a way for you to use an Audit Rule, but avoid specific scenarios. To enable, click the rule you'd like to work with and scroll to the bottom of the screen and click an Exception.
8. On the InstantAudit Exceptions page, click Add Exceptions.
9. This page lists all your company's Expense Cateogries. Select the category or categories you want to exclude from the Rule and click Add Exceptions.
The rule now displays in the View an Edit Exceptions list.
10. Click Return To Configuration to return to the InstantAudit Configuration page.