Emburse Professional offers a free integration with QuickBooks. This article shows you how to sync processed expense reports in Emburse Professional to your QuickBooks Online account. To enable the QuickBooks Online sync, reference our Activating the QuickBooks Online Sync article.
1. On your account homepage, click QuickBooks Online Sync when reports are pending.
2. Click the Connect to QuickBooks icon.
3. A pop-up will appear asking if it's okay to be redirected to an Intuit website. Click Yes to continue.
4. Enter your QuickBooks Online user ID and password.
5. Select the appropriate QuickBooks Online company. Click Connect to allow Emburse Professional to share data with QuickBooks Online.
6. You will be brought to the QuickBooks Online Synchronization page. If this is the first time using the QuickBooks Online sync, you will need to set your preferences, map employees, and map accounts.
Edit Preferences:
- Choose to import expenses as Checks to Employees or Bills to Vendors, depending on how you have your employees entered in QuickBooks. Expenses that utilize Emburse Professional ACH can also be imported as Journal Entries.
- Using the drop-down menu arrows, select a QBO Checking Account from which payments will be made for reimbursable expenses, and select a QBO Credit Card Account for non-reimbursable expenses.
- If your full QuickBooks account path is not shown in the Map Accounts section, use the Show Full Path check box to increase the number of sub accounts the Emburse Professional mapping tool displays.
- Choose whether to sync receipts into QuickBooks. Receipt images will sync over to the Attachment field of Checks, Bills, or Journal Entries.
Click Save Preferences to save your changes.
Map Employees: Click the drop-down menu arrow and select the appropriate QuickBooks Employee or Vendor for each Emburse Professional User; after mapping employees, click Save Mappings.
Map Accounts:
- Click the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate QuickBooks Expense Account for each Emburse Expense Professional Category.
- You can add a new account to QuickBooks by clicking Add New. Edit the name as needed and click the Save icon. The new Expense Account will be added to QuickBooks when the sync is complete.
After mapping categories, click Save Mappings.
Emburse Professional Departments will be automatically mapped to QuickBooks Classes when the Emburse Professional Department Code matches the QuickBooks Class Name exactly.
7. Select the expense reports you would like to sync to QuickBooks Online, and click Synchronize Expense Reports. If you do NOT want to sync an expense report to QuickBooks Online, select the expense report and select Mark selected Expense Reports as synchronized to permanently remove it from the sync queue.
8. Next, you will be prompted to map QuickBooks Vendors. Click the drop-down menu arrow and select the appropriate QuickBooks Vendor for each Emburse Professional Vendor.
- You can add a new vendor to QuickBooks by clicking Add New. Edit the name as needed and click the Save icon. The new vendor will be added to QuickBooks when the sync is complete.
9. Click Synchronize Expense Reports to complete the synchronization process.
The expense will now appear in your QuickBooks Online account.