Emburse Pay Professional enables your organization to reimburse employees using direct deposit, both domestically and internationally. To initiate reimbursements, your Emburse Professional Administrator must first designate you as a Treasurer within Emburse Professional.
This article shows you, a Emburse Professional Treasurer, how to reimburse your employees using Emburse Pay Professional.
1. On your Emburse Professional homepage, click Reimbursements.
2. In the Reimbursements Requests queue, select the reports you want to reimburse.
Please Note: Only reports from employees who have entered and saved their Direct Deposit Information will allow selection.
Please Note: If an employee has not saved their Direct Deposit Information, you may select Mark as Paid to reimburse outside of Emburse Professional.
If an employee has incorrectly entered or has not changed their direct deposit information, a red exclamation point alerts you prior to processing.
3. Click Reimburse Report. Depending on the currencies and reimbursement type selected, reimbursements may take anywhere between one and ten business days to reach the user's bank account.