Emburse Professional users have the option to reimburse employees through Emburse Professional using our ACH service. A user with the Treasurer permission, assigned by your Emburse Professional Administrator, will have the ability to initiate ACH. This article shows you, a Emburse Professional Treasurer, how to initiate ACH payments.
1. Login to your Emburse Professional. The company-designated Treasurer(s) will have a Reimbursements box on their Home screen. Click Reimbursements.
2. Select the reports to initiate ACH reimbursement on.
Please Note: Only reports from employees who have entered and saved their Direct Deposit information will allow selection.
Please Note: If an employee has not saved their Direct Deposit information, you may select Mark as Paid to reimburse outside of Emburse Professional.
3. Click Reimburse Report. Dependent on your company's ACH contract, reimbursement will then be sent to the employee within 2-5 business days.