After your initial configuration, additional mapping steps may be required to complete your integration setup. This article will show Emburse Professional Administrators how to map your NetSuite objects to Emburse Professional.
Automatic Mapping (Non-Configurable)
The following objects will map automatically and cannot be modified:
- NetSuite Employee records will map as Users in Emburse Professional.
- If your employees are stored as Vendors in NetSuite, they will also map as Users in Emburse Professional.
- NetSuite Department records will map to Departments in Emburse Professional.
- NetSuite Expense Category records will map to Expense Categories in Emburse Professional.
Map a Default Accountant
Each user record in Emburse Professional must have an Accountant assigned. The Accountant is the user who is the last stop in the approval path, and will be responsible for processing expense reports. Once a report is processed, it will be exported to NetSuite during the next scheduled run.
Because Accountant assignment does not exist within NetSuite, a Default Accountant will be selected during initial mapping.
1. To map a Default Accountant in Emburse Professional, click
System Configuration and, under System Integrations > View & Edit Integrations, click Emburse NetSuite Integration.2. Click on the Mapping tab.
3. Select the User who will serve as the Accountant for all other users who are imported from NetSuite
Please Note: If you wish to assign a unique Accountant for each user, you may leave this field blank, and then update each user record manually with the desired Accountant.
Map a Credit Card Program
Credit card programs in Emburse Professional can be mapped to a Credit Card Account or a Vendor in NetSuite, depending on your company’s NetSuite configuration. Mapping your credit card programs in Emburse Professional ensures that processed transactions are posted to the applicable account/vendor in NetSuite, simplifying your reconciliation process.
The following settings in your NetSuite Configuration will need to be enabled in order to export credit card transactions to NetSuite: Expense Report including Corporate Cards or Vendor Bill Credit Cards.
1. To map a credit card program in Emburse Professional, click
System Configuration and, under System Integrations > View & Edit Integrations, click Emburse NetSuite Integration.2. Click on the Mapping tab.
3. Select the applicable account and click Save at the bottom of the page.
To enable this option, click Settings.
On the Expense tab, check Vendor Bill Credit Cards and click Save and Close.
When you return to the Mapping tab, your vendors will appear in the Credit Card mapping drop-down.
Map to General Ledger Dimensions
The following objects will map to General Ledger Dimension fields in Emburse Professional.
- Subsidiaries
- Classes
- Locations
- Customers
- Projects
Subsidiaries must map to an Employee General Ledger Dimension, meaning the user will not be able to change their Subsidiary value on a report-by-report basis. If a user needs to charge some expenses to a different subsidiary, we recommend creating a second account for the user in NetSuite, assigned to the alternate subsidiary. The user can then leverage Delegation to switch between their two accounts to submit expenses accordingly.
Classes and Locations can either map as an Employee General Ledger Dimension or as an Expense General Ledger Dimension. If employees need to allocate expenses across multiple Classes or Location values, we recommend mapping those objects as an Expense General Ledger Dimension.
Customers and Projects can only map to an Expense General Ledger Dimension. Mapping to an Expense General Ledger Dimension implies that your employees will select a unique Customer or Project value on each expense (when applicable).
1. To map NetSuite objects to General Ledger Dimensions in Emburse Professional, click
System Configuration and, under System Integrations > View & Edit Integrations, click Emburse NetSuite Integration.2. Click on the Mapping tab.
3. Select the object to map from the drop-down.
4. If necessary, you can rename the object using the Name field. This is especially useful if you have renamed the standard objects in NetSuite and would like to keep parity between both systems.
5. Click Save.
Mapping Details
The following section outlines specific datapoints that will sync between NetSuite and Emburse Professional.
Emburse Professional Notes First Name First Name Last Name Last Name Email Email Address NetSuite Account Number/Internal ID/External ID/Entity ID Employee ID The integration will map one of the four options from NetSuite to the Emburse Professional Employee ID field, depending on your selection in the connector settings. Default Currency Default Currency N/A Commute Distance & Units This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. Active Status Account Status Employees set to Inactive in NetSuite will be deactivated in Emburse Professional during the next synchronization. Custom Field Role Emburse Professional Roles can be applied to user records in NetSuite via a Custom Field and synchronized. N/A Administration Level Administration Level is not mapped from NetSuite. Administrators in Emburse Professional must set this value manually. Department Department Subsidiary Employee GLD Field Assigned to user record after Subsidiary is mapped. Classification Employee GLD or Expense GLD Field Assigned to user record after Classification is mapped (assuming it is mapped as an Employee GLD field). Location Employee GLD or Expense GLD Field Assigned to user record after Location is mapped (assuming it is mapped as an Employee GLD field). Supervisor/Expense Approver First Approver Integration will map either the NetSuite Supervisor or Expense Approver value into the First Approver field in Emburse Professional, depending on your configurations. N/A Second Approver Second-Level Approver is not mapped from NetSuite. Administrators must map a Second-Level Approver manually. Mapping Accountant Within Emburse Professional, you can select a Default Accountant on the Mapping tab for all users imported from NetSuite. Alternatively, Accountants can be assigned manually to each user record in Emburse Professional, if preferred. -
Emburse Professional Notes First Name First Name Vendor must be configured as an “Individual” Vendor to be included in the user sync. Last Name Last Name Email Email Address NetSuite Account Number/Internal ID/External ID/Entity ID Employee ID The integration will map one of the four options from NetSuite to the Emburse Professional Employee ID field, depending on your selection in the connector settings. Vendor Currency Default Currency N/A Commute Distance & Units This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. Active Status Account Status Vendors set to Inactive in NetSuite will be deactivated in Emburse Professional during the next synchronization. Custom Field Role Emburse Professional Roles can be applied to user records in NetSuite via a Custom Field and synchronized. N/A Administration Level Administration Level is not mapped from NetSuite. Administrators in Emburse Professional must set this value manually. Department (Custom Field) Department A custom field can be created in NetSuite (leveraging your existing Department List) to apply a Department value to your Vendor users. Subsidiary Employee GLD Field Class (Custom Field) Employee GLD or Expense GLD Field A custom field can be created in NetSuite (leveraging your existing Class List) to apply a Class value to your Vendor users. Location (Custom Field) Employee GLD or Expense GLD Field A custom field can be created in NetSuite (leveraging your existing Location List) to apply a Location value to your Vendor users. Vendor/Employee Record First Approver A custom field can be created on each Vendor record in NetSuite to assign a First Level Approver. The custom field can leverage either your existing Employee list or your Vendor list in NetSuite. N/A Second Approver Second-Level Approver is not mapped from NetSuite. Administrators must map a Second-Level Approver manually. Mapping Accountant Within Emburse Professional, you can select a Default Accountant on the Mapping tab for all users imported from NetSuite. Alternatively, Accountants can be assigned manually to each user record in Emburse Professional, if preferred. -
Emburse Professional Notes Department Name Department Name Department Internal ID Department Code Active Active Status Departments set to Inactive in NetSuite will be deactivated in Emburse Professional during the next synchronization. N/A Second Level Approval This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. N/A Strict Filtering This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. N/A Hide Department This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. N/A Hide Billable This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. N/A Hide Reimbursable This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. -
Emburse Professional Notes Expense Category Name Expense Category Name Expense Category Internal ID (Found in the Category URL) GL Code N/A Expense Type This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. N/A Personal Expense This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. N/A Require Reason This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. N/A Maximum Amount This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. N/A Spend Limit per User This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. N/A Receipt Threshold This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. N/A Receipt Threshold Amount This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. N/A Department Filter This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. N/A Hide Billable This value is not imported from NetSuite and must be set manually in Emburse Professional. -
Emburse Professional Notes Subsidiary Name Employee GLD Name Specific Employee GLD position determined during mapping. Subsidiary Internal ID Employee GLD Code Specific Employee GLD position determined during mapping. -
Emburse Professional Notes Class Name Employee or Expense GLD Name Specific GLD position determined during mapping. Class Internal ID Employee or Expense GLD Code Specific GLD position determined during mapping. -
Emburse Professional Notes Location Name Employee or Expense GLD Name Specific GLD position determined during mapping. Location Internal ID Employee or Expense GLD Name Specific GLD position determined during mapping. -
Emburse Professional Notes Customer Name Expense GLD Name Specific GLD position determined during mapping. Customer Internal ID (Found in the Customer URL) Expense GLD Code Specific GLD position determined during mapping. -
Emburse Professional Notes Project Name Expense GLD Name Specific GLD position determined during mapping. Project Internal ID (Found in the Project URL) Expense GLD Code Specific GLD position determined during mapping.
With mapping complete, you are ready to set a synchronization schedule and sync your data for the first time! Please see Set a NetSuite Sync Schedule to continue.