One level of Locked Approval Workflow can be determined by approval limits. Approval limits are applied to approvers and require expense reports that are over a set dollar amount to go through an additional level of approval. This article shows you how to configure approval limits.
Navigate to the Configure Locked Approval Workflow Page
1. On your Emburse Professional homepage, click the gear icon.
2. Click View and Edit Policy under Travel and Expense Policy.
3. Once you have selected Locked Approval Workflow under Approval Workflow Method, click Configured Locked Approval Workflow.
Create an Approval Limit
1. On the Configure Locked Approval Workflow page, select Create an Approval Limit under Approval Limits.
2. Enter an Approval Limit Name and a Maximum Amount. Click Save Approval Limit.
Apply Approval Limits by Role and/or Department
1. Once you have created one or more Approval Limits, click Apply Approval Limits to Users under Approval Limits on the Configure Locked Approval Workflow page.
2. Select the Approval Limit, Role, and Department from the drop-down menus and click Apply.
The number of users that the approval limit applies to will appear in the Users column under Approval Limits on the Configure Locked Approval Workflow page.
Apply Approval Limits by User
You can also apply Approval Limits to individual managers or executives on the Edit User page.