These are the Emburse Professional Field definitions you can search for in the Edit Column page and use to filter data for a Custom Report. They also demonstrate which fields are available for Expenses versus Expense Report data types.
Please Note: Custom Reporting is not available for Emburse Professional Invoice at this time.
Column Name | Available for Expense line level Reports | Available for Expense Report level Reports | Description |
ACH Transaction ID | Yes | Yes | The Transaction ID assigned to an expense report when it is released for reimbursement. Only applicable for clients using Emburse Pay Professional. |
ACH Type | Yes | Yes | The payment method used to reimbursed the user. Only applicable for clients using Emburse Pay Professional. |
Accountant Email | Yes | Yes | The email address of the Accountant who processed the expense report. |
Accountant Employee ID | Yes | Yes | The Employee ID of the Accountant who processed the expense report. |
Accountant Name (First Last) | Yes | Yes | The name of the Accountant who processed the expense report, formatted "FirstName LastName" |
Accountant Name (Last, First) | Yes | Yes | The name of the Accountant who processed the expense report, formatted "LastName, FirstName" |
Action | Yes | No | The action taken on the expense during Approval (Approved or Disapproved). |
AP Sync Complete | Yes | Yes | Indicates if the expense or expense report has been synchronized to the client's accounting system. Only applicable for clients utilizing Emburse Professional's Quickbooks, Quickbooks Online, or NetSuite integrations. |
Approval Code | Yes | Yes | The unique ID assigned to the expense report after the report is processed. |
First Approver Email | Yes | Yes | The email address of the user who approved the expense report. |
First Approver Employee ID | Yes | Yes | The employee ID of the user who approved the expense report. |
First Approver Name (First, Last) | Yes | Yes | The approver's name, formatted "FirstName LastName". |
First Approver Name (Last, First) | Yes | Yes | The approver's name, formatted "LastName, FirstName" |
Attendees | Yes | No | The attendees associated with the expense. Only applicable for meal expenses. |
Audit Status | Yes | No | The current audit status to an expense flagged by InstantAudit (Flagged, Violation, or No Violation). |
Audit Violation | Yes | No | The InstantAudit violation definition. |
Auditor Email | Yes | No | The email address or the user who audited the report. |
Auditor Name (Last, First) | Yes | No | The auditor's name, formatted "LastName, First Name". |
Auditor Note | Yes | No | The note left by the auditor on the expense. |
Base Amount | Yes | No | The expense amount less any taxes (only applicable for users who have enabled default tax rates). |
Base Amount Currency | Yes | No | The currency of the expense amount less any taxes (only applicable for users who have enabled default tax rates). |
Billable Status | Yes | No | Indicates whether an expense is marked as billable or non-billable. |
Check-In (Lodging) | Yes | No | The check-in date of the expense. This field only applies to lodging expenses. |
Check-Out (Lodging) | Yes | No | The check-out date of the expense. This field only applies to lodging expeness. |
CPD Amount | Yes | No |
The maximum amount a user could be reimbursed for a Custom Per-Diem expense, based on the date and location of the expense. Only applicable to companies utilizing Custom Per Diems. |
CPD Currency | Yes | No | The three-digit ISO currency code of the Custom Per-Diem expense (USD, for example). Only applicable to companies utilizing Custom Per Diems. |
CPD Destination | Yes | No | The destination associated with the Custom Per-Diem expense. Only applicable to companies utilizing Custom Per Diems. |
CPD Rate | Yes | No | The rate applied to the Custom Per-Diem expense. Only applicable to companies utilizing Custom Per Diems. |
Credit Card Number (Last 4 Digits) | Yes | No | The last four digits of the credit card associated with the expense. |
Credit Card Transaction ID | Yes | No | The transaction ID of the credit card expense supplied by the credit card provider. |
Currency | Yes | No | The currency associated with the expense. The report creator can choose between displaying the currency name or currency code. |
Current Approver | Yes | Yes | The current approver of the expense report, formatted "LastName, FirstName (email address)". |
Department Code | Yes | No | The department code assigned to the expense. |
Department Name | Yes | No | The department name assigned to the expense. |
Distance (Mileage) | Yes | No | The number of miles or kilometers associated with the expense. This field only applies to mileage expenses. |
Drop Off (Rentals) | Yes | No | The rental car drop off date of the expense. This field only applies to car rental expenses. |
Employee Email Address | Yes | Yes | The submitter's email address. |
Employee First Name | Yes | Yes | The submitter's first name. |
Employee General Ledger Dimension 1 Code | Yes | Yes | The code of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the first Employee General Ledger Dimension field. |
Employee General Ledger Dimension 1 Name | Yes | Yes | The name of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the first Employee General Ledger Dimension field. |
Employee General Ledger Dimension 2 Code | Yes | Yes | The code of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the second Employee General Ledger Dimension field. |
Employee General Ledger Dimension 2 Name | Yes | Yes | The name of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the second Employee General Ledger Dimension field. |
Employee General Ledger Dimension 3 Code | Yes | Yes | The code of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the third Employee General Ledger Dimension field. |
Employee General Ledger Dimension 3 Name | Yes | Yes | The name of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the third Employee General Ledger Dimension field. |
Employee General Ledger Dimension 4 Code | Yes | Yes | The code of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the fourth Employee General Ledger Dimension field. |
Employee General Ledger Dimension 4 Name | Yes | Yes | The name of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the fourth Employee General Ledger Dimension field. |
Employee General Ledger Dimension 5 Code | Yes | Yes | The code of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the fifth Employee General Ledger Dimension field. |
Employee General Ledger Dimension 5 Name | Yes | Yes | The name of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the fifth Employee General Ledger Dimension field. |
Employee ID | Yes | Yes | The submitter's employee ID. |
Employee Last Name | Yes | Yes | The submitter's last name. |
Employee Name (First Last) | Yes | Yes | The submitter's name, formatted "LastName, First Name". |
Employee Name (Last First) | Yes | Yes | The submitter's name, formatted "LastName, FirstName" |
Employee Name and Email Address | Yes | Yes | The submitter's name, formatted "FirstName LastName (email address)". |
Employee's Default Department Code | Yes | Yes | The department code assigned to the submitter's user record. |
Employee's Default Department Name | Yes | Yes | The department name assigned to the submitter's user record. |
Expense Amount | Yes | No | The amount of the expense, agnostic of the reimbursable status. |
Expense Amount Transaction Currency | Yes | No | The currency name or currency code of the expense amount, displayed in the transaction currency. |
Expense Amount Submitter's Currency | Yes | No | The currency name or currency code of the expense amount, displayed in the submitter's default currency. |
Expense Category | Yes | No | The expense category assigned to the expense. |
Expense Date | Yes | No | The date associated with the expense. |
Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension 1 | Yes | No | The free-text value assigned to the expense associated with the first Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension 2 | Yes | No | The free-text value assigned to the expense associated with the second Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension 3 | Yes | No | The free-text value assigned to the expense associated with the third Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension 4 | Yes | No | The free-text value assigned to the expense associated with the fourth Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension 5 | Yes | No | The free-text value assigned to the expense associated with the fifth Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Report Create Date | Yes | Yes | The date the expense report was created. |
Expense Report Currency | Yes | Yes | The three-digit ISO currency code associated with the expense report (USD, for example). |
Expense Report Description | Yes | Yes | The description of the expense report. |
Expense Report End Date | Yes | Yes | The end date of the expense report date range. |
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 1 Code | Yes | No | The code of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the first Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 1 Name | Yes | No | The name of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the first Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 2 Code | Yes | No | The code of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the second Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 2 Name | Yes | No | The name of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the second Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 3 Code | Yes | No | The code of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the third Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 3 Name | Yes | No | The name of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the third Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 4 Code | Yes | No | The code of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the fourth Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 4 Name | Yes | No | The name of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the fourth Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 5 Code | Yes | No | The code of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the fifth Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 5 Name | Yes | No | The name of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the fifth Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field. |
Expense Report Name | Yes | Yes | The name of the expense report. |
Expense Report Non-Reimbursable Total | Yes | Yes | The total amount of all non-reimbursable expenses contained within the expense report. |
Expense Report Reimbursable Total | Yes | Yes | The total amount of all reimbursable expenses contained within the expense report. |
Expense Report Start Date | Yes | Yes | The start date of the expense report date range. |
Expense Report Submitted Date | Yes | Yes | The submission date of the expense report. |
Expense Report Total | Yes | Yes | The total amount of all expenses contained within the expense report. |
Expense Type | Yes | No | The type of expense category associated with the expense. |
Expense Unique ID | Yes | No | The unique identifier associated with the expense. This ID is unique across all expenses in Emburse Professional. |
First Approver Name and Email Address | Yes | Yes | The approver's name, formatted "FirstName LastName (Email Address)" |
From (Mileage) | Yes | No | The starting address of the mileage expense. This field only applies to mileage expenses. |
From (Travel) | Yes | No | The departure location of the expense, typically an airport. This field only applies to travel expenses. |
GL Code | Yes | No | The GL code assigned to the expense. The GL code is tied to an expense category. |
GL Sync Complete | Yes | Yes | Indicates if the expense or expense report has been synchronized to the client's accounting system. Only applicable for clients utilizing Emburse Professional's Quickbooks, Quickbooks Online, or NetSuite Integrations. |
GSA Amount | Yes | No | The maximum amount a user could be reimbursed for a GSA Per-Diem expense, based on the date and location of the expense. Only applicable to companies utilizing GSA Per Diems. |
GSA Currency | Yes | No | The three-digit ISO currency code of the GSA Per-Diem expense (USD, for example). Only applicable to companies utilizing GSA Per Diems. |
GSA Destination | Yes | No | The destination associated with the GSA Per-Diem expense. Only applicable to companies utilizing GSA Per Diems. |
GSA Rate | Yes | No | The rate applied to the GSA Per-Diem expense. Only applicable to companies utilizing GSA Per Diems. |
Hours | Yes | No | The number of hours associated with the expense. This field only applies to Hourly Rate expenses. |
HST Amount | Yes | No | The Harmonized Sales Tax amount of the expense. |
HST Currency | Yes | No | The three-digit ISO currency code of the Harmonized Sales Tax for a specific expense. |
HST Rate | Yes | No | The Harmonized Sales Tax rate applied to the expense. |
License Number 1 | Yes | No | The physician's first license number, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
License Number 2 | Yes | No | The physician's second license number, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
License Number 3 | Yes | No | The physician's third license number, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
License State 1 | Yes | No | The physician's first licensed state, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
License State 2 | Yes | No | The physician's second licensed state, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
License State 3 | Yes | No | The physician's third licensed state, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Location | Yes | No | The location associated with the expense. |
Merchant Code | Yes | No | The four-digit merchant category code provided from the credit card provider. Used by credit card providers to classify merchants in to standard categories. |
My Default Currency | Yes | No | The currency name or currency code of the expense amount or reimbursable amount, displayed in the report creator’s default currency. Note – this field can be used to represent the currency name or code of either the Expense Amount field or the Reimbursable Amount field. |
NPI Number | Yes | No | The physician's NPI number, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Original Amount | Yes | No | The original amount of the credit card transaction, prior to the credit card company converting the transaction to the user's default currency. Note - this column will also report the original expense amount of manually created expenses if the end user manually adjusted an expense's currency conversion. |
Original Currency | Yes | No | The original currency of the credit card transaction, prior to the credit card company converting the transaction to the user's default currency. Note - this column will also report the original expense currency of manually created expenses (non-card expenses) if the end user manually adjusted an expense's currency conversion. |
Payment Status |
Yes | No | Only available to clients using Emburse Pay Professional through Western Union. |
P-Card Program Name | Yes | No | The name of the credit card program associated with the expense. |
Per Diem Count | Yes | No | The number of Per Diem days requested in a single Per Diem expense. Only applicable to simple Per Diem expenses (excludes GSA and Custom Per Diem). |
Per Diem End Date | Yes | No | The end date of the Per Diem date range of an expense. Only applicable to simple Per Diem expenses (excludes GSA and Custom Per Diem). |
Per Diem Name | Yes | No | The expense category name associated with the Per Diem expense. Only applicable to simple Per Diem expenses (excludes GSA and Custom Per Diem). |
Per Diem Start Date | Yes | No | The start date of the Per Diem date range of an expense. Only applicable to simple Per Diem expenses (excludes GSA and Custom Per Diem). |
Personal Expense | Yes | No | Indicates whether the expense is a personal expense. |
Physician City (NPI) | Yes | No | The city where the physician's practice is located, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Physician Designation | Yes | No | The physician's designation, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Physician First Name (NPI) | Yes | No | The physician's first name, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Physician Full Name (NPI) | Yes | No | The physician's full name (First Middle Last), provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Physician Last Name (NPI) | Yes | No | The physician's last name, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Physician Middle Name (NPI) | Yes | No | from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Physician Name Prefix | Yes | No | The physician's name prefix (MR., MRS.), provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Physician Organization Name (NPI) | Yes | No | The physician's organization name, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Physician Other Organization Name (NPI) | Yes | No | The physician's other organization name, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Physician Postal Code (NPI) | Yes | No | The zip or postal code of the physician's practice, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Physician Practice Address (NPI) | Yes | No | The address of the physician's practice, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Physician Practice Address 2 (NPI) | Yes | No | The secondary address of the physician's practice, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Physician State (NPI) | Yes | No | The state where the physician's practice is located, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Pick Up (Rentals) | Yes | No | The rental car pick-up date of the expense. This field only applies to car rental expenses. |
Posting Date | Yes | No | The posting date of the credit card transaction. The presence of a posting date is dependent on the credit card provider and if the data is sent to Emburse Professional. |
Practice Fax (NPI) | Yes | No | The fax number of the physician's practice, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Practice Phone (NPI) | Yes | No | The phone number of the physician's practice, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Primary Specialty Code (NPI) | Yes | No | The corresponding code to the physician's primary specialty, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Primary Specialty Name (NPI) | Yes | No | The physician's primary specialty (Family Medicine, Social Worker, etc.), provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Processed Date | Yes | Yes | The date the expense report was processed. Note: This can be changed manually by the Accountant at the time of processing. |
Processed Status | Yes | Yes | Indicates if the expense or expense report has been processed. |
Accountant Name and Email Address | Yes | Yes | The Accountant who processed the expense report, formatted "FirstName LastName (email address)". |
PST/QST Amount | Yes | No | The Provincial Sales Tax or Quebec Sales Tax amount of the expense. |
PST/QST Currency | Yes | No | The three-digit ISO currency code of the Provincial Sales Tax or Quebec Sales Tax for a specific expense. |
PST/QST Rate | Yes | No | The Provincial Sales Tax or Quebec Sales Tax rate applied to the expense. |
Rate (Mileage) | Yes | No | The mileage rate assigned to a mileage expense. |
Rate Name (Mileage) | Yes | No | The name of the mileage rate assigned to a specific mileage expense. |
Reason | Yes | No | The reason associated with the expense. |
Receipt (Yes/No) | Yes | No | Indicates whether a receipt is attached to the expense. |
Receipt Filename | Yes | No | The original image filename of the receipt. |
Receipt Report (Link) | Yes | No | Returns a link to display all receipt images contained within the expense report associated with the expense. Returns the receipt report URL on export. |
Receipt Source |
Yes | No | The method used to add a receipt image to Emburse Professional (Mobile App, Email, Browser Upload, etc.). |
Reimbursable Amount | Yes | No | The reimbursable amount of the expense. |
Reimbursable Amount Transaction Currency | Yes | No | The currency name or currency code of the reimbursable amount, displayed in the transaction currency. |
Reimbursable Amount Submitter's Currency | Yes | No | The currency name or currency code of the reimbursable amount, displayed in the submitter’s default currency. |
Reimbursable Status | Yes | No | Indicates whether an expense is reimbursable or non-reimbursable. |
Reimbursed Date | Yes | Yes | The date the expense report was released for payment. Only applicable for clients using Emburse Pay Professional. |
Secondary Specialty Code (NPI) | Yes | No | The corresponding code to the physician's secondary specialty, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Secondary Specialty Name (NPI) | Yes | No | The physician's secondary specialty (Family Medicine, Social Worker, etc.), provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians. |
Settlement Account | No | Yes | The account from which funds were withdrawn to reimburse an employee. Only applicable for clients using Emburse Pay Professional. |
Status | Yes | No | The current status of the expense (Wallet, Draft, Pending, Completed). Note: Completed means that expense has been approved, but it does not necessarily mean the expense has been processed. |
To (Mileage) | Yes | No | The ending address of the mileage expense. This field only applies to mileage expenses. |
To (Travel) | Yes | No | The arrival location of the expense, typically an airport. This field only applies to travel expenses. |
Travel Day (CPD) | Yes | No | Indicates if the Custom Per Diem expense occurred on a travel day. Only applicable to companies utilizing Custom Per Diems. |
Travel Day (GSA) | Yes | No | Indicates if the GSA Per Diem expense occurred on a travel day. Only applicable to companies utilizing GSA Per Diems. |
Treasurer | Yes | Yes | The user who released the expense report for payment, formatted "FirstName LastName (email address)". Only applicable for clients using Emburse Pay Professional. |
VAT/GST Amount | Yes | No | The Value Added Tax or Goods and Services Tax amount of the expense. |
VAT/GST Currency | Yes | No | The three-digit ISO currency code of the Value Added Tax or Goods and Services Tax for a specific expense. |
VAT/GST Rate | Yes | No | The Value Added Tax or Goods and Services Tax rate applied to the expense. |
Vendor | Yes | No | The vendor associated with the expense. |
View (Link) | Yes | Yes | Returns a link to view the expense report associated with the expense. |
View Receipt (Link) | Yes | No | Returns a link to view the receipt image associated with the expense. Returns the receipt URL on export.. |