Custom Report Builder Definitions

These are the Emburse Professional Field definitions you can search for in the Edit Column page and use to filter data for a Custom Report. They also demonstrate which fields are available for Expenses versus Expense Report data types.

Please Note: Custom Reporting is not available for Emburse Professional Invoice at this time.

Column Name Available for Expense line level Reports Available for Expense Report level Reports Description
ACH Transaction ID Yes Yes The Transaction ID assigned to an expense report when it is released for reimbursement. Only applicable for clients using Emburse Pay Professional.
ACH Type Yes Yes The payment method used to reimbursed the user. Only applicable for clients using Emburse Pay Professional.
Accountant Email Yes Yes The email address of the Accountant who processed the expense report.
Accountant Employee ID Yes Yes The Employee ID of the Accountant who processed the expense report.
Accountant Name (First Last) Yes Yes The name of the Accountant who processed the expense report, formatted "FirstName LastName"
Accountant Name (Last, First) Yes Yes The name of the Accountant who processed the expense report, formatted "LastName, FirstName"
Action Yes No The action taken on the expense during Approval (Approved or Disapproved).
AP Sync Complete Yes Yes Indicates if the expense or expense report has been synchronized to the client's accounting system.  Only applicable for clients utilizing Emburse Professional's QuickbooksQuickbooks Online, or NetSuite integrations.
Approval Code Yes Yes The unique ID assigned to the expense report after the report is processed.
First Approver Email Yes  Yes  The email address of the user who approved the expense report.
First Approver Employee ID Yes Yes The employee ID of the user who approved the expense report.
First Approver Name (First, Last) Yes Yes The approver's name, formatted "FirstName LastName".
First Approver Name (Last, First) Yes Yes The approver's name, formatted "LastName, FirstName"
Attendees Yes No The attendees associated with the expense. Only applicable for meal expenses.
Audit Status Yes No The current audit status to an expense flagged by InstantAudit (Flagged, Violation, or No Violation).
Audit Violation Yes No The InstantAudit violation definition.
Auditor Email Yes No The email address or the user who audited the report. 
Auditor Name (Last, First) Yes No The auditor's name, formatted "LastName, First Name".
Auditor Note Yes No The note left by the auditor on the expense.
Base Amount Yes No The expense amount less any taxes (only applicable for users who have enabled default tax rates).
Base Amount Currency Yes No The currency of the expense amount less any taxes (only applicable for users who have enabled default tax rates).
Billable Status Yes No Indicates whether an expense is marked as billable or non-billable.
Check-In (Lodging) Yes No The check-in date of the expense. This field only applies to lodging expenses.
Check-Out (Lodging) Yes No The check-out date of the expense. This field only applies to lodging expeness.
CPD Amount Yes No

The maximum amount a user could be reimbursed for a Custom Per-Diem expense, based on the date and location of the expense. Only applicable to companies utilizing Custom Per Diems.

CPD Currency Yes No The three-digit ISO currency code of the Custom Per-Diem expense (USD, for example). Only applicable to companies utilizing Custom Per Diems.
CPD Destination Yes No The destination associated with the Custom Per-Diem expense. Only applicable to companies utilizing Custom Per Diems.
CPD Rate Yes No The rate applied to the Custom Per-Diem expense. Only applicable to companies utilizing Custom Per Diems.
Credit Card Number (Last 4 Digits) Yes No The last four digits of the credit card associated with the expense.
Credit Card Transaction ID Yes No The transaction ID of the credit card expense supplied by the credit card provider.
Currency Yes No The currency associated with the expense. The report creator can choose between displaying the currency name or currency code.
Current Approver Yes Yes The current approver of the expense report, formatted "LastName, FirstName (email address)".
Department Code Yes No The department code assigned to the expense.
Department Name Yes No The department name assigned to the expense.
Distance (Mileage) Yes No The number of miles or kilometers associated with the expense. This field only applies to mileage expenses.
Drop Off (Rentals) Yes No The rental car drop off date of the expense. This field only applies to car rental expenses.
Employee Email Address Yes Yes The submitter's email address.
Employee First Name Yes Yes The submitter's first name.
Employee General Ledger Dimension 1 Code Yes Yes The code of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the first Employee General Ledger Dimension field.
Employee General Ledger Dimension 1 Name Yes Yes The name of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the first Employee General Ledger Dimension field.
Employee General Ledger Dimension 2 Code Yes  Yes The code of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the second Employee General Ledger Dimension field.
Employee General Ledger Dimension 2 Name Yes Yes The name of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the second Employee General Ledger Dimension field.
Employee General Ledger Dimension 3 Code Yes Yes The code of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the third Employee General Ledger Dimension field.
Employee General Ledger Dimension 3 Name Yes Yes The name of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the third Employee General Ledger Dimension field.
Employee General Ledger Dimension 4 Code Yes Yes The code of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the fourth Employee General Ledger Dimension field.
Employee General Ledger Dimension 4 Name Yes Yes The name of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the fourth Employee General Ledger Dimension field.
Employee General Ledger Dimension 5 Code Yes Yes The code of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the fifth Employee General Ledger Dimension field.
Employee General Ledger Dimension 5 Name Yes Yes The name of the custom value assigned to the user record associated with the fifth Employee General Ledger Dimension field.
Employee ID Yes Yes The submitter's employee ID.
Employee Last Name Yes Yes The submitter's last name.
Employee Name (First Last) Yes Yes The submitter's name, formatted "LastName, First Name".
Employee Name (Last First) Yes Yes The submitter's name, formatted "LastName, FirstName"
Employee Name and Email Address Yes Yes The submitter's name, formatted "FirstName LastName (email address)".
Employee's Default Department Code Yes Yes The department code assigned to the submitter's user record.
Employee's Default Department Name Yes Yes The department name assigned to the submitter's user record.
Expense Amount Yes No The amount of the expense, agnostic of the reimbursable status.
Expense Amount Transaction Currency Yes No The currency name or currency code of the expense amount, displayed in the transaction currency.
Expense Amount Submitter's Currency Yes No The currency name or currency code of the expense amount, displayed in the submitter's default currency.
Expense Category Yes No The expense category assigned to the expense.
Expense Date Yes No The date associated with the expense.
Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension 1 Yes No The free-text value assigned to the expense associated with the first Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension 2 Yes No The free-text value assigned to the expense associated with the second Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension 3 Yes No The free-text value assigned to the expense associated with the third Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension 4 Yes No The free-text value assigned to the expense associated with the fourth Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension 5 Yes No The free-text value assigned to the expense associated with the fifth Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Report Create Date Yes Yes The date the expense report was created.
Expense Report Currency Yes Yes The three-digit ISO currency code associated with the expense report (USD, for example).
Expense Report Description Yes Yes The description of the expense report.
Expense Report End Date Yes Yes The end date of the expense report date range.
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 1 Code Yes No The code of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the first Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 1 Name Yes No The name of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the first Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 2 Code Yes No The code of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the second Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 2 Name Yes No The name of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the second Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 3 Code Yes No The code of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the third Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 3 Name Yes No The name of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the third Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 4 Code Yes No The code of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the fourth Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 4 Name Yes No The name of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the fourth Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 5 Code Yes No The code of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the fifth Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Report General Ledger Dimension 5 Name Yes No The name of the custom value assigned to the expense associated with the fifth Expense Report General Ledger Dimension field.
Expense Report Name Yes Yes The name of the expense report.
Expense Report Non-Reimbursable Total Yes Yes The total amount of all non-reimbursable expenses contained within the expense report.
Expense Report Reimbursable Total Yes Yes The total amount of all reimbursable expenses contained within the expense report.
Expense Report Start Date Yes Yes The start date of the expense report date range.
Expense Report Submitted Date Yes Yes The submission date of the expense report.
Expense Report Total Yes Yes The total amount of all expenses contained within the expense report.
Expense Type Yes No The type of expense category associated with the expense.
Expense Unique ID Yes No The unique identifier associated with the expense. This ID is unique across all expenses in Emburse Professional.
First Approver Name and Email Address Yes Yes The approver's name, formatted "FirstName LastName (Email Address)"
From (Mileage) Yes No The starting address of the mileage expense. This field only applies to mileage expenses.
From (Travel) Yes No The departure location of the expense, typically an airport. This field only applies to travel expenses.
GL Code Yes No The GL code assigned to the expense. The GL code is tied to an expense category.
GL Sync Complete Yes Yes Indicates if the expense or expense report has been synchronized to the client's accounting system. Only applicable for clients utilizing Emburse Professional's Quickbooks, Quickbooks Online, or NetSuite Integrations.
GSA Amount Yes No The maximum amount a user could be reimbursed for a GSA Per-Diem expense, based on the date and location of the expense. Only applicable to companies utilizing GSA Per Diems.
GSA Currency Yes No The three-digit ISO currency code of the GSA Per-Diem expense (USD, for example). Only applicable to companies utilizing GSA Per Diems.
GSA Destination Yes No The destination associated with the GSA Per-Diem expense. Only applicable to companies utilizing GSA Per Diems.
GSA Rate Yes No The rate applied to the GSA Per-Diem expense. Only applicable to companies utilizing GSA Per Diems.
Hours Yes No The number of hours associated with the expense. This field only applies to Hourly Rate expenses.
HST Amount Yes No The Harmonized Sales Tax amount of the expense.
HST Currency Yes No The three-digit ISO currency code of the Harmonized Sales Tax for a specific expense.
HST Rate Yes No The Harmonized Sales Tax rate applied to the expense.
License Number 1 Yes No The physician's first license number, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
License Number 2 Yes No The physician's second license number, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
License Number 3 Yes No The physician's third license number, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
License State 1 Yes No The physician's first licensed state, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
License State 2 Yes No The physician's second licensed state, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
License State 3 Yes No The physician's third licensed state, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Location Yes No The location associated with the expense.
Merchant Code Yes No The four-digit merchant category code provided from the credit card provider. Used by credit card providers to classify merchants in to standard categories.
My Default Currency Yes No The currency name or currency code of the expense amount or reimbursable amount, displayed in the report creator’s default currency. Note – this field can be used to represent the currency name or code of either the Expense Amount field or the Reimbursable Amount field.
NPI Number Yes No The physician's NPI number, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Original Amount Yes No The original amount of the credit card transaction, prior to the credit card company converting the transaction to the user's default currency. Note - this column will also report the original expense amount of manually created expenses if the end user manually adjusted an expense's currency conversion.
Original Currency Yes No The original currency of the credit card transaction, prior to the credit card company converting the transaction to the user's default currency. Note - this column will also report the original expense currency of manually created expenses (non-card expenses) if the end user manually adjusted an expense's currency conversion.
Payment Status
Yes No Only available to clients using Emburse Pay Professional through Western Union.
P-Card Program Name Yes No The name of the credit card program associated with the expense.
Per Diem Count Yes No The number of Per Diem days requested in a single Per Diem expense. Only applicable to simple Per Diem expenses (excludes GSA and Custom Per Diem).
Per Diem End Date Yes No The end date of the Per Diem date range of an expense. Only applicable to simple Per Diem expenses (excludes GSA and Custom Per Diem).
Per Diem Name Yes No The expense category name associated with the Per Diem expense. Only applicable to simple Per Diem expenses (excludes GSA and Custom Per Diem).
Per Diem Start Date Yes No The start date of the Per Diem date range of an expense. Only applicable to simple Per Diem expenses (excludes GSA and Custom Per Diem).
Personal Expense Yes No Indicates whether the expense is a personal expense.
Physician City (NPI) Yes No The city where the physician's practice is located, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Physician Designation Yes No The physician's designation, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Physician First Name (NPI) Yes No The physician's first name, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Physician Full Name (NPI) Yes No The physician's full name (First Middle Last), provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Physician Last Name (NPI) Yes No The physician's last name, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Physician Middle Name (NPI) Yes No from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Physician Name Prefix Yes No The physician's name prefix (MR., MRS.), provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Physician Organization Name (NPI) Yes No The physician's organization name, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Physician Other Organization Name (NPI) Yes No The physician's other organization name, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Physician Postal Code (NPI) Yes No The zip or postal code of the physician's practice, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Physician Practice Address (NPI) Yes No The address of the physician's practice, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Physician Practice Address 2 (NPI) Yes No The secondary address of the physician's practice, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Physician State (NPI) Yes No The state where the physician's practice is located, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Pick Up (Rentals) Yes No The rental car pick-up date of the expense. This field only applies to car rental expenses.
Posting Date Yes No The posting date of the credit card transaction. The presence of a posting date is dependent on the credit card provider and if the data is sent to Emburse Professional.
Practice Fax (NPI) Yes  No The fax number of the physician's practice, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Practice Phone (NPI) Yes No The phone number of the physician's practice, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Primary Specialty Code (NPI) Yes No The corresponding code to the physician's primary specialty, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Primary Specialty Name (NPI) Yes No The physician's primary specialty (Family Medicine, Social Worker, etc.), provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Processed Date Yes Yes The date the expense report was processed. Note: This can be changed manually by the Accountant at the time of processing.
Processed Status Yes Yes Indicates if the expense or expense report has been processed.
Accountant Name and Email Address Yes Yes The Accountant who processed the expense report, formatted "FirstName LastName (email address)".
PST/QST Amount Yes No The Provincial Sales Tax or Quebec Sales Tax amount of the expense.
PST/QST Currency Yes No The three-digit ISO currency code of the Provincial Sales Tax or Quebec Sales Tax for a specific expense.
PST/QST Rate Yes No The Provincial Sales Tax or Quebec Sales Tax rate applied to the expense.
Rate (Mileage) Yes No The mileage rate assigned to a mileage expense.
Rate Name (Mileage) Yes No The name of the mileage rate assigned to a specific mileage expense.
Reason Yes No The reason associated with the expense.
Receipt (Yes/No) Yes No Indicates whether a receipt is attached to the expense.
Receipt Filename Yes No The original image filename of the receipt.
Receipt Report (Link) Yes No Returns a link to display all receipt images contained within the expense report associated with the expense. Returns the receipt report URL on export.
Receipt Source 
Yes No The method used to add a receipt image to Emburse Professional (Mobile App, Email, Browser Upload, etc.).
Reimbursable Amount Yes No The reimbursable amount of the expense.
Reimbursable Amount Transaction Currency Yes No The currency name or currency code of the reimbursable amount, displayed in the transaction currency.
Reimbursable Amount Submitter's Currency Yes No The currency name or currency code of the reimbursable amount, displayed in the submitter’s default currency.
Reimbursable Status Yes No Indicates whether an expense is reimbursable or non-reimbursable.
Reimbursed Date Yes Yes The date the expense report was released for payment. Only applicable for clients using Emburse Pay Professional.
Secondary Specialty Code (NPI) Yes No The corresponding code to the physician's secondary specialty, provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Secondary Specialty Name (NPI) Yes No The physician's secondary specialty (Family Medicine, Social Worker, etc.), provided from the NPPES NPI Registry. Only applicable to companies tracking payments made to physicians.
Settlement Account No Yes The account from which funds were withdrawn to reimburse an employee. Only applicable for clients using Emburse Pay Professional.
Status Yes No The current status of the expense (Wallet, Draft, Pending, Completed). Note: Completed means that expense has been approved, but it does not necessarily mean the expense has been processed.
To (Mileage) Yes No The ending address of the mileage expense. This field only applies to mileage expenses.
To (Travel) Yes No The arrival location of the expense, typically an airport. This field only applies to travel expenses.
Travel Day (CPD) Yes No Indicates if the Custom Per Diem expense occurred on a travel day. Only applicable to companies utilizing Custom Per Diems.
Travel Day (GSA) Yes No Indicates if the GSA Per Diem expense occurred on a travel day. Only applicable to companies utilizing GSA Per Diems.
Treasurer Yes Yes The user who released the expense report for payment, formatted "FirstName LastName (email address)". Only applicable for clients using Emburse Pay Professional.
VAT/GST Amount Yes No The Value Added Tax or Goods and Services Tax amount of the expense.
VAT/GST Currency Yes No The three-digit ISO currency code of the Value Added Tax or Goods and Services Tax for a specific expense.
VAT/GST Rate Yes No The Value Added Tax or Goods and Services Tax rate applied to the expense.
Vendor Yes No The vendor associated with the expense.
View (Link) Yes Yes Returns a link to view the expense report associated with the expense.
View Receipt (Link) Yes No Returns a link to view the receipt image associated with the expense. Returns the receipt URL on export..

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