Certify's Custom Report Builder feature enables users to personalize analytic reports with custom columns and static fields. They can also filter the displayed data and more columns to better suit their accounting needs. Users will be able to export these Custom Reports into their accounting systems and analyze the data in the exact way they need to review it.
This article shows you, a Certify Accountant, how to create and run a Custom Report within Certify.
Please Note: Custom Reporting is not available for Certify Invoice at this time.
1. On your Certify homepage, click Reporting
2. View any reports Shared With or Created By you in the Custom Reports section.
3. Click New Report to start creating your Custom Report.
3. Once the New Report Page opens, configure your Custom Report.
Report Details
Enter information under Report Details:
- Report Name: Name the custom report.
- Description: Enter a description about what this report is about.
- Visibility: Choose a visibility level for the report.
- Export Type: Choose if you want the report to be exported as XLSX, CSV, or TXT. If you choose TXT, the Delimiter field appears that allows you to choose a comma, tab, pipe, semi-colon, or caret as your delimiter.
Report Data
First, choose between the two data types:
- Expenses: a granular, line by line report of all expenses.
- Expense Report: a general summary of expense reports submitted within a designated period.
Next, click Add Column.
There are two field types to choose from:
- Certify Field: Standard fields within Certify
- Static Field: A field that populates a constant value in each line, rather than pulling a field within Certify.
After adding a column, the Edit Column sidebar will open.
Under Column Data, search for the data field needed to complete your report.
After you select the Certify Field, specific fields asking for additional information such as the Date Format, Amount Format, or Boolean Format will appear.
Once you've selected your Column Data, Certify will populate your column name under the Column Header. Click Finish when complete.
Please Note: If you are entering a Static Field, you will only have to type in the Data Field, name the Column Header, then click Finish.
Data Filtering
Once you've entered the necessary columns, enable and configure various options for data population and filtering.
- Preferences are settings that control how the data populates into the report and are not configurable at runtime.
- Runtime Filters are what the Report Runner can use to filter the report at runtime.
4. Now that the report is created, run the report by going back to Reporting. Then, select the report you wish to run.
Please Note: Once you've created the report, you have the actions available to Edit, Clone, or Delete the Custom Report. If you are running a Shared Report, you only have the action to clone it.
5. On the Custom Reports Page, the Report Runner selects how to filter the report.
6. Click Submit when complete.
7. The report will run, and the Report Data will populate.
8. Click the Export As button to download a copy of your Custom Report.