Emburse Professional allows you to create, edit, and submit an expense report right from the Emburse Professional Mobile app. This article shows you how to edit and submit a draft expense report using Emburse Professional Mobile.
1. On your Emburse Professional Mobile app homescreen, tap Draft Expense Reports.
2. On the next screen, tap the draft expense report Name you want to edit from the list of expense reports provided.
3. Tap the edit (pencil) icon under the Expense column and next to the expense line you want to edit. This will open the Edit Expense box below the expense report. If needed, you can also access the Other Actions menu by tapping the double arrows (>>) under the Expense column.
4. In the Edit Expense box, make edits to the expense data as needed. When you have finished making edits, tap Save.
5. Review the expense report. If there are no further edits to make, tap Submit for Approval.