After your account is set up, you can upload your information into the Emburse Professional AP Setup Template. The Setup Utility enables you to upload this information into Emburse Professional AP.
This article shows you how to use the AP Setup Utility.
Information to Upload
Use the Setup Utility to upload the following information from the Setup Template into Emburse Professional AP.
Please Note: Not all worksheets in the Setup Template are designed to be imported through the Setup Utility. For example, some of the user permissions listed on the Users and Permissions worksheet cannot be imported using this tool.
Information | Description |
General Ledger (GL) Codes |
The numbers or values assigned to each account in your General Ledger. Please Note: Emburse Professional AP accommodates:
Study the Setup Template to check if you have one or separate codes for GL accounts and departments. |
User Permissions |
The names, titles, permissions, and other information about users in Emburse Professional AP. |
Product Categories |
The categories (classes or divisions) or products in your product catalog. |
Purchasing Vendors |
The vendors you purchase from. |
Products |
The products you often purchase. |
Projects |
The work projects you charge for certain purchases. |
Departments |
Your departments. |
Budgets |
Your budget amounts for each GL Account and department. |
User Allowances |
The amount of money certain users are allowed to spend. |
Locating the Setup Utility
1. On your Emburse Professional AP homepage, click the gear icon.
2. On the Department Configuration page, click Setup Utilities.
3. The Data Import page opens. Click Start Import.
The Create Import page opens. Use this page to upload and configure your data.
Uploading and Configuring Data
Using the worksheets in the Setup Template, load your information into the Create Import page. Load sections of information one at a time, in the following order:
- GLs (GL Accounts).
- User Permissions.
- Categories.
- Vendors.
- Products.
- Projects.
Budgets or Budgets by Department - Use only one of these uploads:
- Budgets - Use if you use Dept/GL Restrictions (restricts certain GL Accounts to certain departments.
- Budgets by Department - Use if you allow all departments to access all GL Accounts.
- User Allowances.
1. If you need to save this import before it is complete and return to it later, enter a description of the import in the Import Description (optional) field. If you save and do not enter a description, the system names the import for you by object type (GLs, Budgets, etc.) and the date and time.
2. Click the Import Type drop-down menu and select the type of information you are importing. For the first import, select the GLs type.
Please Note: In the Import file type section, the Define Fiscal Period and Department fields are grayed out and unusable until you reach the Budgets, Budgets by Department, and User Allowances imports. To find out how to use these fields, see the Imports with Monthly Amounts section of this article.
3. In the Locate a file to import section, click Choose File and select the Emburse Professional Purchasing Setup Template that is saved on your computer.
The file name appears.
4. Open the Setup Template on your desktop and locate the worksheet from which to upload data. Starting with row 1, count the number of rows on this worksheet that contain instructions or are blank above the column heading row. Enter the number of rows in the Number of rows to skip field. Do not exclude the columns heading there.
Please Note: On the Setup Template, this number is between 10 and 14. (Different worksheets have different numbering).
5. On the Setup Template, check what row on the worksheet contains the column header. Enter that row number in the Row number that contains the names of the columns field.
6. In the Excel file Control section, click on the Worksheet drop-down menu and select the appropriate worksheet from the Setup Template.
For your first import (the GL Codes import), select the GL Account Only (GLs) worksheet.
7. Click Continue.
The Map Columns to Fields in Emburse Professional Purchasing page opens.
Previewing and Mapping Data
To map your data fields, you can:
- Auto Map
- Manually Map
Please Note: Mapping is essentially matching: you decide which fields (spreadsheet columns) from the Setup Template become what fields in Emburse Professional AP. The columns usually have the same name as the fields they map to.
Using Auto Map
To save time, you can Auto Map the fields on this page by clicking Auto Map at the top of the screen. Auto Map automatically matches the columns from the Setup Template to the fields in Emburse Professional AP.
Manually Mapping Fields
To successfully map your data fields (spreadsheet columns) from the Setup Template to the fields in Emburse Professional AP, use the three sections on this page. Manually mapping shows you how the data transfers from the Setup Template to Emburse Professional AP and may help you troubleshoot later in case of a data error in the import.
To manually map the fields, follow these steps:
1. To manually map the data fields, click the first row in the 1. Choose Fields in your file column.
When you click on this row, the row turns gray. One or more rows in the 2. Choose fields in Emburse Professional field become clickable.
Please Note: If the corresponding row in the 2. Choose fields in Emburse Professional field is grayed out and you cannot click it, there may be an error in the data. Check the Setup Template for rows with blank cells.
2. Click the corresponding row in the 2. Choose fields in Emburse Professional field.
Please Note: In the 2. Choose fields in Emburse Professional field:
- To see special requirements for the data field (such as character limits), hover over the Information (?) icon.
- Fields with the Required icon are required.
- Fields with the Required for new icon are required only when you import data for the first time, not if you are updating data later.
For the GL Codes import, click the GL Account Code field in the 1. Choose fields in your file column, and then click the GL Account Code field in the 2. Choose fields in Emburse Professional field.
After you click on these rows, both rows turn blue and display marked checkboxes. The mapping isplays the 3. Review Mapped Field Pairs column.
3. Finish mapping the other fields. The GL Codes import has three fields to map.
Column in the Setup Template | Matching Field in Emburse Professional AP |
GL Account Code |
GL Account Code |
GL Account Name | GL Account Name |
Active | Active |
To remove a mapping, click on the Remove icon in the Review Mapped Field Pairs column.
4. Click Save Map to save this mapping (optional). If you have subsequent imports for similar uploads, you can use this saved map again.
5. When you have successfully mapped all the data fields, click Continue.
The Review & Confirm Import page opens. Use this page to review the data for potential errors (next section).
Confirming the Import
On the Review & Confirm Import page, review the data for potential errors:
- Confirm Rows Ready to Import.
- Review Rows Not Ready to Import.
- Import Rows.
In the Import Review (The data has not yet been imported) section, make sure the number of Rows ready to import is the same number as the number of rows of data in the spreadsheet.
If the number of Rows not ready is greater than 0, there is an error in the data. Review the rows of data in the Setup Utility and the Setup Template to find and correct this missing data.
1. To review the rows for this error, click View all rows.
Possible data errors include:
- Entering the number of rows before the header and the header row incorrectly on the Uploading and Configuring Data page of the Setup Utility so Emburse Professional AP reads the header row as data.
- Starting a field (a cell in the Setup Template spreadsheet) with single or double quotes (' or ").
- Importing worksheets with missing or incomplete data. For example, in the Vendors upload, an example of a data error is trying to assign a vendor to a GL Account that does not exist.
2. If you locate errors, edit them in the Setup Template on your desktop and save it. Then, click Cancel and Delete Import.
Review the previous steps to upload the corrected Setup Template and import the data.
If the number of Rows not ready is 0, click Import These Rows.
The Import Complete page opens.
Completing the Import
In the Rows Successfully Imported section, the confirmation message (Row(s) successfully imported appears.
To see the information you uploaded to Emburse Professional AP, select View Rows.
Click Done.
Uploading Other Data Imports
To import the rest of your data, repeat the previous steps, starting with uploading and configuring.
Some data uploads have prerequisites, which are listed below.
Data Import | Prerequisites |
GL Codes | No prerequisites. |
User Permissions | No prerequisites. |
Categories | No prerequisites. |
Vendors | Categories |
Products | Categories and Vendors. |
Projects | No prerequisites. |
Budgets | GL Codes. |
Budgets by Department | GL Codes. |
User Allowances | Users (already uploaded through the user/department sync). |
The steps of each data import are the same except for the names and number of the columns you map from the Setup Template to Emburse Professional AP.
Please Note: The Budget by Departments section is the exception. This import requires you to enter the budgetary information for each department separately.
Because each type of import has different types of data (for example, the Budgets spreadsheet has a column for each month of the year, while the Vendors spreadsheet does not), the Map Fieldsd to Columns in Emburse Professional AP page is different for each import. The sections below display how the Map Fields to Columns in Emburse Professional AP page appears for each import.
Importing User Permissions
The User Permissions import has 26 fields to map.
Please Note: The Setup Template's user Permissions worksheet has 32 columns, but the Setup Utility only requires 26 fields. Map the fields that the Setup Utility requires for now and keep the extra information from the Setup Template to use later.
Column in the Setup Template | Matching Field in Emburse Professional AP |
First Name | Not required for the Setup Utility. |
Last Name | Not required for the Setup Utility. |
User Title | User Title |
Phone Number | Not required for the Setup Utility. |
Phone Extension | Not required for the Setup Utility. |
Fax Number | Fax Number |
Email Address | Not required for the Setup Utility. |
Emburse Professional Login Password | Not required for the Setup Utility. |
Department ERP ID | Not required for the Setup Utility. |
ERP User (Vendor) ID | ERP User (Vendor) ID |
Active | Not required for the Setup Utility. |
Approve Requisitions Permission | Approve Requisitions Permission |
Requisition Spending Limit | Not required for the Setup Utility. Enter each user's Requisition Spending Limit later through the Configuration page. |
Enter Packing List Permission | Enter Packing List Permissions |
Enter Requisition Permission | Enter Requisition Permissions |
Accounting Review Permission | Accounting Review Permissions |
Approve Invoices Permission | Approve Invoices Permissions |
Add/Edit Categories Permission | Add/Edit Categories Permissions |
Add/Edit Products Permission | Add/Edit Products Permissions |
Add/Edit Vendors Permission | Add/Edit Vendors Permissions |
This permission has not been added to the Emburse Professional AP Setup Template yet. Leave this mapping blank for now and make a note to manually assign this permission to users through the Configuration page. | Administrator Permissions |
This permission has not been added to the Emburse Professional AP Setup Template yet. Leave this mapping blank for now and make a note to manually assign this permission to users through the Configuration page. | Approval Delegate Permissions |
Configure Budgets Permission | Configure Budgets Permissions |
Budget Reports Permission | Budget Reports Permission |
Company Data Reports Permission | Company Data Reports Permission |
This permission has not been added to the Emburse Professional AP Setup Template yet. Leave this mapping blank for now and make a note to manually assign this permission to users through the Configuration page. | Invoice Status Report |
Open PO Report Permission | Open PO Report Permission |
PO Accrual Report Permission | PO Accrual Report Permission |
Project Report Permission | Project Report Permission |
Spending Report Permission | Spending Report Permissions |
Transaction Report Permission | Transaction Report Permissions |
User Allowance Report Permission | User Allowance Report Permissions |
User Approval Report Permission | User Spending Reports Permission |
User Report Permission | User Reports Permissions |
Importing Categories
The (Product) Categories import has two fields to map.
Column in the Setup Template | Matching Field in Emburse Professional AP |
Category Name | Category Name |
Active | Active |
Importing Vendors
The Vendors import has 20 fields to map.
Column in the Setup Template | Matching Field in Emburse Professional AP |
ERP A/P Vendor ID | ERP A/P Vendor ID |
Vendor Name | Vendor Name |
Address 1 | Address 1 |
Address 2 | Address 2 |
City | City |
State | State |
Zip Code | Zip Code |
Country | Country |
Phone Number | Phone Number |
Fax Number | Fax Number |
Category/Sub-category | Category/Sub-category |
Primary Contact | Primary Contact |
Account Number | Account Number |
Payment Terms | Payment Terms |
Default GL Code | Default GL Code |
Enable Packing Lists | Enable Packing Lists |
Currency ID | Currency ID |
Active |
Active |
Importing Products
The Products import has 14 fields to map.
Column in the Setup Template | Matching Field in Emburse Professional AP |
Short Description | Short Description |
ERP A/P Vendor ID | ERP A/P Vendor ID |
Vendor Name | Vendor Name |
Category/Subcategory | Category/Subcategory |
Default GL Code | Default GL Code |
Price | Price |
Product Unit | Product Unit |
Default Quantity | Default Quantity |
Detailed Description | Detailed Description |
Manufacturer Name | Manufacturer Name |
Model Number | Model Number |
Active | Active |
Importing Projects
The Projects import has four fields to map.
Column in the Setup Template | Matching Field in Emburse Professional AP |
Project Name | Project Name |
Project Number | Project Number |
Product ERP ID | Product ERP ID |
Active | Active |
Imports with Monthly Amounts
The next two imports, Budgets or Budgets by Department, and User Allowances, require an extra step on the Create Import page. Because this information relates to your fiscal year, you must select a fiscal year.
In the Define Fiscal Period section, click on the Fiscal Year drop-down menu and select a year.
These two imports also include monthly amounts (the budgeted amount for each department, GL Account, or user per month).
- The Setup Template uses the full name of the month (ex. "January").
- The Emburse Professional AP fields use MM/YYYY format (ex. 01/2018).
Importing Budgets
Remember you either filled out the Budgets or the Budgets by Department worksheet on your Setup Template, not both. If you filled out the Budgets by Department worksheet, do not use this import.
The Budgets import has 13 fields to map.
Column Name in the Setup Template | Field in Emburse Professional AP |
Full Account Name | Full Account Name |
January | 01/2021 |
February | 02/2021 |
March | 03/2021 |
April | 04/2021 |
May | 05/2021 |
June | 06/2021 |
July | 07/2021 |
August | 08/2021 |
September | 09/2021 |
October | 10/2021 |
November | 11/2021 |
December | 12/2021 |
Importing Budgets by Department
The Budgets by Department import requires an extra step on the Create Imports page. In the Department section, click the drop-down menu and select a department.
After you select the department, use the data mapping to set monthly budget amounts for each GL Account for that department. After importing the monthly budget amounts for each GL Account for one department, repeat the previous steps to import budgetary amounts per GL Account for the other departments.
The Budgets by Department import has 13 fields to map.
Column Name in the Setup Template | Field in Emburse Professional AP |
GL Account Number | GL Account Number |
Department Name | GL Account Name |
January | 01/2021 |
February | 02/2021 |
March | 03/2021 |
April | 04/2021 |
May | 05/2021 |
June | 06/2021 |
July | 07/2021 |
August | 08/2021 |
September | 09/2021 |
October | 10/2021 |
November | 11/2021 |
December | 12/2021 |
Importing User Allowances
The User Allowances import has 13 fields to map.
Column Name in the Setup Template | Field in Emburse Professional AP |
User Email Address | Email Address |
January | 01/2021 |
February | 02/2021 |
March | 03/2021 |
April | 04/2021 |
May | 05/2021 |
June | 06/2021 |
July | 07/2021 |
August | 08/2021 |
September | 09/2021 |
October | 10/2021 |
November | 11/2021 |
December | 12/2021 |
Returning to Progress/Previous Imports
On the Data Import page, the In Progress/Previous section lists any imports that are in progress. If you leave an import in progress, you can open them again by clicking on the name of the specific import.