The Data Import Utility tool allows companies to automate the process of adding, editing, or removing data from Emburse Professional AP. Templates can be built to create mappings between the file and fields that exist within Emburse Professional. An administrator can then upload files to an SFTP directory to import the data.
1. On your Company’s Configuration page, open Company Preferences and enable the Export Scheduler Preference.
2. Navigate to the Emburse Professional AP Dashboard and select Manage FTP under Exports.
3. Click Generate FTP Credentials, then click Continue in the window.
The FTP Credentials appear. Record them and store them in a safe place.
4. The site will display an FTP Address, as well as the directories for each Data Import Folder.
6. Return to your Department Configuration page and select Setup Utilities.
7. Download the Data Import Template if you don’t already have a copy saved from when you were in implementation. Select Start Import.
8. Select your Import Type and browse for the file to upload.
9. Enter the number of rows from the Setup Template into the Number of rows to skip and Row number that contains the names of columns fields.
10. Choose a worksheet to import from the drop-down menu.
Please Note: If you have imported a .CSV file, you will not need to complete this step.
11. Select Quick Map and then Set Automated Map. Next, click the button to Continue.
12. Click the Import These Rows button to complete the data utility setup.
13. Now that the file mapping process is complete, log in to to start importing files via SFTP. Upload the files by dragging and dropping them into the appropriate directories.