API Overview

The Emburse Professional API is a RESTful API that allows you to build applications and integrations that push and pull data directly to and from Emburse Professional. Make calls directly to our API endpoints without having to login and access the data manually.

All production API requests are made to: https://api.certify.com/v1/

Use the API to push user, department, category, and custom lists, as well as pull expense report, expense line, receipt data, and invoices.

GET = allows you to see what records/values are loaded into Emburse Professional
POST = allows you to update and deactivate/deactivate existing records/values
PUT = allows you to add new records/values.
For example: to maintain a list of Jobs (i.e. /exprptglds), GET to see what is populated; POST to update existing job names or job codes or deactivate jobs that are no longer active; and PUT to add any new jobs available going forward.
/empglds: general ledger dimensions located in user records.
/exprptglds: the general ledger dimensions entered on expense reports.


Visit https://www.certify.com/APIDoc.aspx for more details. Please see Generating an API Key and Secret for assistance with accessing the API.

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