The Parking Spot Integration

This article shows you how to create your the Parking Spot account and how to enable Emburse Professional receipt integration with the Parking Spot using the Emburse Professional Mobile app.

Creating your the Parking Spot Business Account

You must have a the Parking Spot account to enable Emburse Professional receipt integration. 

1. Go to the Parking Spot website:

2. Select Join.


3. Enter your first and last name in the fields provided. For Address Type, choose Business.


4. Continue entering your account information in the fields provided. For Email Type, check the box for Work.


5. Check the box for Receive eReceipts


6. Check the box to agree to theSpotClub Program terms and conditions.


7. Click SIGN UP to create your account. Account creation is successful when your name appears in the upper right-hand corner.


Setting up the Emburse Professional Receipt Integration

Once you have a the Parking Spot account, you can set up Emburse Professional receipt integration to automatically forward receipts from the Parking Spot to your My Emburse Professional Wallet.

1. Log into your the Parking Spot account. On your the Parking Spot account homepage, click your Profile icon.


2. On the next page, select ACCOUNT SETTINGS.


3. On the next page, select Expense Providers.


4. Enter the email address you use to sign into your Emburse Professional account in the field provided, and check the box provided to confirm that you want your receipts to be sent to your My Emburse Professional Wallet. Click CONNECT ACCOUNT.


6. A popup asks you to confirm your email. Click OK to confirm.


7. Go to your email account and select the link provided in the email.


8. Once you select the link to confirm your account, you receive a confirmation message.


You are now ready to make reservations using the Parking Spot and have your receipts sent directly to your My Emburse Professional Wallet.

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