Emburse Professional Administrators can enable certain employees to have permissions across the entire company or multiple departments, instead of just one department by using User Roles in Emburse Professional AP.
In order to add users to these roles, you must first Create Emburse Professional AP Roles.
1. Within your Department Configuration page in Emburse Professional AP, click the plus icon next to the Roles heading under the department in which you created the role, or click Roles under your company name.
2. Click the name of the role.
3. Click the Add User tab.
4. To search for an employee, enter the employee's first or last name in the field provided. Then, click Search.
5. The employee's name and department appear below. Click the Add to Role icon to add this employee to the role.
6. Click the Users in Role tab to see that the employee now has this permission.
View our article on Managing Emburse Professional AP User Roles for further information.