A Packing List is a document describing the items included in a package: their quantity, their weight, and other relevant information. Packing Lists are created by vendors, but your company might create a packing list when you receive the package. Creating packing lists will help your company keep track of the products received.
This article will show you, a Emburse Professional AP Submitter, how to create a packing list.
1. Click the Create button on the Emburse Professional AP Dashboard, then select New Packing List from the drop-down menu.
2. From here, choose to Create a New Packing List, or select from Packing Lists in Progress which are packing lists that have been created, but not yet routed.
3. When creating a new packing list, start by selecting a vendor from the Vendor drop-down menu. This is the vendor that has sent you the products.
4. Choose a date for the packing list.
5. Click Create.
6. This is the Enter Packing List screen. There's a list with some helpful instructions to stay on track. First, start by entering optional comments and attaching any files to the packing list.
7. Enter the Purchase Order Number to choose from products associated with a specific purchase order. Or, use the search function to search for products by description or SKU.
8. Once you've found a product you'd like to add to your packing list, click the green plus icon to the right of the item.
Please Note: Click the Close All checkbox if you've received all items from the corresponding Purchase Order. Leave it unchecked until all items in the Purchase Order have been received.
9. When you've added all of the necessary items, you have three options to continue:
- Delete: Deletes the entire packing list permanently.
- Save: Saves the packing list to come back to later.
- Update: Updates any changes you've made to the items in the packing list since they've been entered.
- Route: Moves the packing list forward in the approval process.
Then, click Route.
10. You'll receive confirmation that your packing list has been routed to your approver.