Certify Invoice allows you to create invoice reports to submit for approval and payment. This article shows you, an Accounts Payable User, how to create and submit an invoice report.
1. Upload your invoices to your Certify Wallet. See Uploading Invoices.
2. Select New Invoice Report.
3. You'll be brought to your Wallet. Select the radio button for your invoice, and click Use Selected Invoice.
Please Note: Create separate reports per invoice.
4. Select the pencil icon to edit the invoice details, if needed.
5. Enter details as needed. Required Details include:
Date of the invoice
Department to allocate to
Invoice expense category
Amount of the invoice
Vendor for the invoice
Invoice Number
P.O. Number if your company requires it
Due Date of the invoice
Reimbursable Status should automatically read, "Invoice, please pay."
Click Save for any changes.
6. Click Submit for Approval.
7. Enter the approver for this invoice. An approver may appear automatically if your company has previously assigned an approver. Fill in any comments and click the checkbox next to I certify this expense report is true and accurate. Click Submit.