Adding a Company Logo to Certify

Administrators can choose to customize their company’s Certify account by adding a company logo or image to the navigation bar, next to the user and company name.

This article will show you, a Certify Administrator, how to upload a company logo to your Certify account.

1. From your Certify homepage, click the Gear icon.

2. On the System Configuration page, select View and Edit Policy.

3. Select Choose File under Upload Company Logo.

4. Select a file from your computer. Admins must use the following formatting requirements;

  • The file must be a JPG, PNG, or SVG image type.
  • The image must be between 40 and 100 pixels, square.

5. The filename will appear next to the Choose File button. If correct, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Once saved, the logo will appear in the upper right-hand corner of each Certify page for all users. 


If you wish to replace or delete the logo, return to the View and Edit Policy page and click the red “X” next to the filename.

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