Invoice Capture, a Emburse Professional AP feature, allows clients to have their invoices forwarded from their vendors to Emburse Professional AP for invoice OCR scanning and image capture. Emburse Professional AP then takes the OCR data and images to build invoices using the AP Automation feature.
This article shows you, a Emburse Professional AP Administrator, the steps needed to enable the Emburse Professional Invoice Capture feature.
In order to enable Invoice Capture, you must:
- Activate Emburse Professional Invoice Capture. If it has not been activated for your account, please contact your Support.
- Configure Invoice User Roles. Your CSM or Implementation Specialist will help configure these roles.
- Set up Invoice Vendor Communication. Vendors must have the email address and PO box that corresponds to their Invoice Capture Type for electronic and physical invoice submission.
Once Invoice Capture has been enabled, the AP Administrator must configure a few settings.
1. From your Emburse Professional AP homepage, click the gear icon.
2. Select the root department, which is usually the company name. Then, select the Company Preferences tab.
3. Scroll down to the Invoice Capture Settings section.
There are three settings that can be adjusted and saved in this section:
- Assign Capture Invoices To: Select Single User if there is one invoice submitter with access to all captured invoices. Select Invoice Queue for multiple users with Enter Invoice and Check Invoice permissions to be notified and granted access to a new queue on the Create Invoice page.
- Default GL Account: Select a GL Account that new vendors and/or new products will default to when auto-created.
- Default Category: Select a product category that new vendors and/or new products will default to when auto-created.
4. Click Save to complete the Invoice Capture configuration.